These screens are specially designed for businesses who want to keep their environment safe by preventing the spread of harmful airborne pathogens WITHOUT sacrificing the feel and function of their space. Safety is never an issue since the material used in our screens are FDA approved and fire safe. Our product is tough and can be sterilized with heat, radiation or chemicals without fear of degradation. Because of its light and sound transparency, you can hardly tell you are behind a screen. You can even leave notes for your colleagues and customers on these screens using dry erase markers!
Safety Screen:4' x 4'
- 4' x 4' safety partition coverage
- Screen is held on top by aluminum extrusion and galvanized steel bar insert on the bottom
- No assembly required
- Product is easy to install and hangs from the ceiling
- Screen is fire safe and melts when it burns (no fire propagation)
- Contains no plasticizers or other additives (no outgassing required)
- Sound carries easily through the divider with minimal sound attenuation and distortion
- Highly transparent and clear, giving a feel of being outdoors in direct light
- Non-stick surface can be easily cleaned
- Dry erase markers can be cleared by just wiping down the surface with paper towel
- Lightweight, but maintains its shape and structure
- Not easily cut or punctured, highly abrasion resistant
- Estimated life expectancy - 30 years